[This was originally posted to the Fairmount Animal Hospital website on 5 October 2008.]
Dear Dr. Lee.
I just got my new Miniature Pinscher puppy, Jellybean, from the breeder. The breeder did recommend taking Jellybean to puppy classes, but I’m afraid that she’ll get diseases from the other puppies. I also don’t want her to get stepped on by the bigger puppies. What do you think?
Jelly’s Mom in Jordan
Dear Jelly’s Mom,
Congratulations on your new family member!
I highly recommend you start your dog in a puppy class while the dog is within the first three months of life. The first three months in a puppy’s live are crucial in terms of exposing the puppy to other dogs, people, environments and stimuli – this is a time in which your puppy can be exposed to these new things without excessive fear or anxiety. Lack of this kind of socialization and exposure to new things can lead to behavior problems later in life, such as fear and aggression. Behavior problems are the leading cause for a young dog to be surrendered to a shelter. The relative risk of deadly, infectious disease is relatively small compared to the risk of a behavior problem developing due lack of proper socialization.
For more information on the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviorists position on early puppy socialization, go to http://www.avsabonline.org/avsabonline/images/stories/Position_Statements/puppy%20socialization.pdf
Dr. Lee